Saturday, 30 April 2016

White Hat SEO Techniques


SEO Stands for “Search Engine Optimization”. It is the methodology of strategies, techniques and tactics used to increase the amount of visitors to website by obtaining a high-ranking placement in the search results page of a search engine (SERP) – it includes Google search engine, Bing search engine, Yahoo search engine and other search engines.

White Hat SEO is the opposite of Black Hat SEO. Generally, White Hat SEO refers to any practice that improves your search performance on search engine results page i.e.SERP while maintaining the integrity of your website and staying within the search engine’s terms of service. These tactics stay within the bounds as defined by Google. 
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Friday, 29 April 2016



Swift is a new programming language for iOS, OS X, watchOS, and tvOS apps that builds on the best of C and Objective-C, without the C compatibility constraints.
Swift follows safe programming patterns and adds many modern features to make programming easier and more flexible. 

Swift’s clean slate, backed by the Cocoa and Cocoa Touch frameworks, is a great opportunity to re imagine how software development actually works. Swift has been years in the making.
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Thursday, 28 April 2016



Many computer applications involve high quality graphic images. Perhaps the most familiar use of graphics is in video games. Other applications include artistic work, medical imaging, and animated films. A high quality image requires a large number of pixels to be displayed. Before an image is sent to a display screen, the color of each of these pixels has to be computed and stored in memory buffer. From there the information is sent to the screen at a rate of at least 30 times per second to keep the displayed image refreshed.

The task of computing pixel intensity and color can be done in software.
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Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Filters in PHP


Filters in PHP: -The filter_var () function filters a variable with the specified filter.

Syntax:-filter_var(var, filtername, options);
“Required”, variable to be filter. 
“Required”, which filter has to be used?
Optional. Used for one or more flags.

These filters can be used as data validation in PHP. Mainly these filters are user for insecure sources.
After getting values from HTML form in different variables, before insert in to database we can use these filters for inserting validated data.

1} E-MAIL filter:-
This filter will validate email address in standard form.
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Tuesday, 26 April 2016



The term "cookie" was derived from the term "magic cookie”, which is a packet of data a program receives and sends back unchanged. A cookie is often used to identify a user. A cookie is a small file that the server embeds on the user's computer. Each time the same computer requests a page with a browser, it will send the cookie too.

With PHP, you can both create and retrieve cookie values.
To Read More Click on......Cookies

Monday, 25 April 2016

Digital India venture


Good news for the Indian Digital Market.Microsoft’s Satya Nadella has met with Prime Minister #NarendraModi in order to communicate the company’s support of the Make in India and Digital India initiatives. Nadella also paid a visit to Communications and IT Minister Ravi Shanker Prasad.

Nadella is said to have met with them in order to discuss the security situation of the government’s digital infrastructure, touch on the topic of bringing it up to date and so on.
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Sunday, 24 April 2016

Installation Of LINUX


If you are new to Linux and don’t want to loose your windows license here is a way to get it installed. You need to dual boot your system using which you can choose between Operating System while starting your System. Following are the simple steps to be followed :

1. Save your product key of windows by going to MY-Computer-->Right click-->Properties-->product key. Save it in a pen drive or a disk other than your system to be on safe side. You can even write it down on a piece of paper.
To Read More Click on.....Installation Of LINUX

Saturday, 23 April 2016

Agile Methodology


Agile Methodology is term mostly used in software development technique. It is method which follows some guidelines for the development of software product which makes it easy to manage and maintain the development phases.
Software cannot be developed as other products it needs constant modifications when the interactive and dependencies increase in creation steps. You have to test how each module works for all the possible.

Input test cases as well as how it binds and react with its neighbor elements and functions.
To Read More Click on......Agile Methodology

Friday, 22 April 2016

Pay Pal Mafia


The “PAYPAL” is not a mafia instead it is diaspora.
Many few people knew before Mr. david stacks told the media
"Basically, we were kicked out of our homeland and they burned down our temple. So, we were scattered to the four corners of the globe, and we had to make new homes."

All this happened in the year 2002 when ebay brought the startup named paypal.
To Read More Click on.... Pay Pal Mafia

Thursday, 21 April 2016

Negative SEO


In the era of competitive market and strong security for any website, secure web technology plays an important role. There are many more web technology which are secure and some are highly secured in security point of view. The use of such highly secure web technology will help you to survive in this competitive era.

After web technology, the technique which is important to get traffic for the website is known as SEO.SEO is a technique which affects the visibility of the website in search engines earned results. This result will help you to rank up your website.
To Read More Click on....Negative SEO

Wednesday, 20 April 2016

Why a growing Business


In this digital world, people used to turn to the Internet first for information about businesses and products – whether they are shopping online, or simply looking for a business address, phone number.Making an online presence one of the most important assets for any business; not just to share information, but to build credibility. Consumers are looking to connect with companies more than ever and establishing an online presence through a website, blog or social channels provides a great way to fulfill this desire. But still many small businesses lacking for online presence.

Reduced Advertising Cost: The Internet has a far wider reach than any other form of advertising.
To Read More Click on......Why a growing Business

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Why Private Cloud?


The main difference between private and public cloud infrastructures is that a private system is used only to house and distribute your data and applications, while a public model is used to serve the requirements for multiple organizations, not just yours. When we think of computer resources in the
cloud, we usually think of public clouds, such as the ones offered by Google, Amazon, Microsoft, with infrastructure or applications shared by millions of clients worldwide, through the Internet.

To Read More Click on.....Why Private Cloud?

Monday, 18 April 2016



ADO.NET consists of a data set of Objects. That describe data access services to the .NET environment and it is a data access technology. The Data access technology provide from Microsoft .Net Framework. Which is provides communications in between relational and non-relational systems through a common data set of components.
System, data, namespaces, etc. is the core of ADO.NET. It contains classes use by all data providers. Easily use for ADO.NET is designed. Microsoft Visual Studio is provides several wizards, also provides other features that you can use togenerate ADO.NET data access code. The two key components of ADO.NET are Data Providers and Dataset. The Data Provider classes are meant to work with different kinds of data-sources. They are used to perform all task data-management operations on specific databases.

 Class of dataset provides mechanisms for managing data when it is lost connection from the data source. The .Net Framework includes main three data providers for ADO.NET. They are providing specific of the Microsoft SQL server Data provider Object Linking and Embedding, Database Data provider and ODBC Data provider. SQL Server most uses the SqlConnection object, OLEDB uses the Ole-DB Connection Object and ODBC uses OdbcConnection Object respectively.

To Read More Click on....ADO.NET FRAMEWORK

Sunday, 17 April 2016


Now-a-Days it is being said that 40% of world’s population has access to internet. So it can be easily approximated that almost 3 Billion people on this planet Earth use internet. But as we know every coin has two sides so with all the advantages of internet, its disadvantages or harms that it can cause cannot be neglected.

With the passage of time all of us are becoming aware of cyber snooping and its detrimental effects. This has also highlighted the lack of privacy on internet. Some of us might have been a prey or have noticed credit card frauds or hacking of e-mails, social networking accounts etc. All such issues are not only a threat to personnel security but also have much serious implications such as cyber Warfare.
To Read More Click on.....Cyber Warfare

Saturday, 16 April 2016

Leadership – An impetus for successful organization


It is great saying that leader is the one who could not just “do things right” but also “do the right thing.”
The leader’s character make a great impact on the organizational growth of any business. However, there are different challenges for the leadership in an organization. But now a days challenges are not the same as it used to be.

Do we know what sort of leader is the right one? Who is the best leader- someone who is imaginative and fearless like Steve jobs or risk taker like Richard Branson or performance oriented like Jack Welch? Each leader have different style and there is no defined consensus for the most effective style of leadership. Indeed, the traits of the leader actually matters, but overall effectiveness of the leader largely depend on the surroundings, and the capabilities of the organization.
Effective leader is the one who is focused towards the company purpose. The purpose that resonates along with the capabilities and values of its people, and with the nature of the company’s business. Leader have a clear and focused explanation about his decisions and set the priorities for the business. He must have clear articulation about company- “why we do what we do”.

To Read More Click More......Leadership

Friday, 15 April 2016

Facebooks Change


Today people are communicating a lot through the digital medium . Images, Videos are are the preferred choice. With increase in smartphone users and better internet services, every one is sharing images throughout the globe through social media.

Image and videos are definitely faster at capturing the attention of a visitor. Like Google+'s auto awesome feature, Facebook now lets you improve photo's lighting, clarity and shadows. The best known social media in market #facebook is going to change the photo share with the out of the box concept today.

To Read More Click on....Facebooks Change


Thursday, 7 April 2016

Google Font directory update


Google Fonts have already created a big impact in the digital world. Coming up with #innovative and attractive designs consistently,Google have contributed heavily in the #webdesign and web development sector.
Google have made announcements for applications being developed for small and medium business India.(For more detials read:-). With Google updates like these,it seems they have made their intentions clear for the Indian Market. India have a relatively strong online presence compared to other countries who have english as their second language.

Soon you can use the new Telugu fonts on Google. Google has putted six new Telugu fonts in its directory. These fonts will be available to use free of cost and are named after N.T. Rama Rao (NTR) and former Education Minister Mandali Venkata Krishna Rao (Mandali). 'Silicon Andhra' has released these telugu fonts under the SIL Open Font License 1.1.
Now google have total 17 telugu fonts including the 11 that have been added earlier. It was decided in the conference that the Telugu fonts will be open-sourced and will be putted on google fonts in january before Sankranti. 

To Read More Click on... Google Font directory update

Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Cell Phone Clonning


What is Cell Phone Cloning?
Cell phone cloning, usually defined as copying the identity of one mobile phone to another mobile phone. Purpose of this is usually to make fraudulent telephone calls. The bills are thus created in the name of the legitimate subscriber. The one who clones is able to make effectively anonymous calls, which attracts other group of interested users. Cloning is defined as the process of taking the programmed information, stored in a legitimate mobile phone and illegally programs the identical information into other mobile phone. The result is that the "cloned" phone can make and receive calls and the charges for those calls are billed in the name of the legitimate subscriber. The service provider network does not have any way out to differentiate between the legitimate phone and the "cloned" phone

How is Cell Phone Cloning Done?
Cell cloning process involves modifying/replacing the EPROM (Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory) in the phone with a new chip which allows the person to configure an ESN (Electronic serial number) via software. You also need to change the MIN (Mobile Identification Number). When you successfully change the ESN/MIN pair, your phone has an effective clone of the other phone. Cloning requires access to ESN and MIN pairs. ESN/MIN pairs are discovered in several ways. Some of them are:
  • Sniffing the cellular
  • Trashing cellular companies or cellular resellers
  • Hacking cellular companies or cellular resellers
Cloning works under the AMPS (Advanced Mobile Phone System)/NAMPS (Narrowband Advanced Mobile Phone Service) system, but has become popular, as older clone able phones have become more difficult to find and newer phones have not been successfully reverse-engineered. Cloning is been successfully demonstrated under GSM, but the process is very difficult.
How to Prevent Cell Phone Cloning?
The MINs and ESNs can be electronically verified to help prevent frauds. One should never use Mobile Phone for communicating or storing confidential information. Always Mobiles should be secured using a Pin for security purposes. Check that all mobile devices are covered by a security policy. Always ensure that one person is responsible for keeping tabs on who has what equipment and that they update the central register periodically.
How do service providers handle reports related to cloned cell phones? 
Legitimate subscribers whose phones have been cloned will receive bills with charges for calls they didn't make. Sometimes these charges amount to several thousands of rupees in addition to the charges.

To Read More Click on.... Cell Phone Cloning

Friday, 1 April 2016


1. Create a web project and a web app in Azure App Service.
2. First step is to create a web project in Visual Studio and a web app in Azure App Service. When that is done, you can deploy the project to web app to make it available on the Internet.
3. Open Visual Studio 2015.
4. Click on File -> New -> Project.
5. In New Project dialog box, click Visual C# -> Web -> Asp.Net Web Application.
6. Make sure that .NET Framework 4.5.2 is selected as the target framework.
7. Azure Application Insights monitors your web app for availability, performance, and usage. The Add Application Insights to Project check box is selected by default the first time you create a web project after installing Visual Studio. Clear the check box if it's selected but you don't want to try Application Insights.
8. Name the application tryExample.
9. Click OK.
10. In New ASP.NET Project dialog box, select the -> MVC template.
11. Click on Change Authentication.
12. In the Change Authentication dialog box, click on No Authentication, and then click OK.
13. The application that you are creating for this tutorial is a simple one that does not support user log-in.
14. In the Microsoft Azure section of New ASP.NET Project dialog box, make sure that Host in the cloud is selected and that App Service is selected in the drop-down list.
15. These settings direct Visual Studio to create an Azure web app for your web project.
16. Click on OK.

To Read More Click on.......Web App in Azure App Service