Thursday 3 November 2016

Fundamentals to enhance Google Page Ranking-Part II



Alt Tags and Image Attributes
Alt tags are alike to title tags and description tags. They help Google to understand site images. Use of them on every image and make them all different.
These Alt tags should be related to Article from the Site page or Product and build on main keyword phrase
Image attributes also make site more users friendly and reliable. This helps to find site images in Google’s image search category which is extra advantage too.  
Internal LinksInternal links are the links on the page that point to other information in the same site. They are a backlink telling Google that site have other important information and that it should go and take an aspect.
• They allow users to navigate a website.
• They help establish information hierarchy for the given website.
• They help spread link juice (ranking power) around websites.

Outbound Links
Although it may seem strange, Google acts positively toward the external links that point to authoritative sites in an article. Google ultimately wants its users to find what they are searching, so when link to other authoritative and relevant websites helps to provide a great service to Google’s users.
Given what we know about Google, it would make sense that to improve site’s authority and perceived relevance—two extremely important factors for getting ranked on search engines—by linking to high authority websites and relevant websites.

Page Speed of Site

Google gives favor to fast websites. If you want to get 1st page of Google search engine results listing, make your website as fast as you can without compromising on site quality and value.

Remember, purpose of optimization is site to be searched by robots and robots eat sitemaps for breakfast. So, sitemap needs to be present, readable and crawl-able. If it isn’t, then you’re unlikely be seen on the first page of anything.
There are two kinds of site maps. Xml and html. You want both. Google uses xml and Bing and yahoo still favor sitemap.html. Site visitors also use your .html map.
Sitemaps are an important way of communication with search engines. While robots.txt file search engines which parts of your site to exclude from indexing, Site map articulates search engines that what is actual site flow is and  how to read the whole site.

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