Saturday 12 December 2015

How to make good presentation, GREAT!

Adishree Kulkarni
Good presentations are uncommon, but great presentations are rare as hen’s teeth. That's because, when it comes to presentations, the jump from good to great is larger than the jump from bad to good. Features for great presentation are:
Emotional impact
Good presentations are memorableThey contain graphics, images, and facts in such a way that they're easy to remember. A week later, your audience can remember much of what you said.
Great presentations are motivating. They bring the audience members to the point where they make a buying decision: either a final decision or an interim one.
Good presentations contain valid information. Each piece of data is thoroughly fact-checked, accurate, and never misleading. Good presentations provide honest data in an honest way.
Great presentations contain minimal information. Any information that's not 100 percent relevant is stripped away, including information noise such as fancy slide work. What's left is only that information that drives toward a decision.
Good presentations include stories. Unlike facts, stories speak to the heart, and every good presentation uses stories to illustrate points and to help people make an emotional connection to the message.

Great presentations are stories. Rather than containing stories, great presentations take the audience through an emotional journey that creates a reason to decide right here, right now.

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