Wednesday 23 September 2015

by Ziuby

Self confidence is like an umbrella in the rain, it does not stops the rain but gives the confidence to stand in the rain. Likewise, self confidence does not solve the problem but gives us strength to face the problems. If you want to increase your self confidence then there are 3 easy steps you can follow.

Accept Yourself: It's a human behavior that a person always runs away from the weaknesses he have, but if you want to grow self confidence then you have to accept all your weaknesses .We often hear this "Know your weaknesses and work on them" but before that we should know our strength and try to increase it which gives full confidence over something.

Talk fast and walk fast: It is always seen that confident people usually talk faster than others and they even walk faster than normal pedestrians just because the confidence they have on themselves.
So, if we need to increase our confidence then we should have the practice of talking fast and walking faster than other people which helps to grow the self confidence. Your confidence should reflect on or body and it will automatically be reflected on your mind.


No need to prove yourself in front of others: When we try to prove ourselves in front of others we actually try to prove ourselves right and the other person wrong, which brings negativity in our mind. In such situation we lose focus on our self and lower our confidence. As long as we know that we are growing and learning, there is no need to prove yourself to anyone.

By following these steps one can bring self confidence and see its power of changing our lives.


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