Sunday 1 February 2015

Why SMS Play an Important Role in Mobile Marketing

by Ziuby

Most companies have already integrated a mobile marketing system into their promotional campaigns and with good reason.When compared to other forms of marketing, SMS gives you the highest ROI for the lowest investment costs. 

Here are 5 ways in which message services play an important role in your marketing campaigns:

Instant Delivery: SMS will be delivered in 7 seconds, on an average. This makes it one of the swiftest marketing strategies available to a company.

Flexible Communication: You may choose to send a message out to a specific group of people, or a general note to all your subscribers. These messages may be timed across the day. Follow-up messages may also be lined up by time and end-receiver for more organized interaction. You may also mold the SMS system to suit your company’s needs.

Flexible Terms of Usage: With the advent of short and long codes, the SMS system of marketing is now more budget-friendly. With short code, you may limit your campaign within national borders and have it activated only at the time you need to run it. Long code gives your business the benefit of going international with your campaign, thus enhancing your reach.

Better Open and Conversion Rates: No other mode of marketing offers a high open rate that the SMS facility provides. Almost every message sent out is read after the targeted customer is alerted through a message tone or a vibration. Especially when messages are opted for, they will stimulate a response as well, which increases the chances of conversion into a sale.

Constantly Growing Market Potential: Using SMS systems on cell phones for marketing opens up a world of possibilities for a business. The number of mobile phone users is increasing day by day. Transactions that were made over desktop devices in the recent past are now being executed over mobile ones. Creating targeted promotions for SMS marketing ensures that a brand gets into the competitive arena head-on and has been accessed by a willing audience.

Text messaging is a cost-effective means for any business to promote its brand. Using this system in a targeted manner will ensure that a customer makes the most of the message that is sent out and takes action on it. With new advancements in technology, conventional methods of sales and marketing are getting a much needed overhaul. 


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